#Faith4Pride Highlights Faith Support the Equality Act

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Faith groups and congregations across the country celebrate the dignity and worth of all people, including the many beloved LGBTQ+ members of their communities. But the Religious Right is working to distort the meaning of religious freedom to include the right to discriminate against those who identify or believe differently than they do. 

The truth is that the vast majority of religious Americans – 69 percent, according to a recent poll – support laws to protect LGBTQ+ people from discrimination. Nationally, strong majorities of every religious group – including 61 percent of white evangelical Protestants – favor laws that would protect LGBTQ+  people from discrimination in jobs, public accommodations, and housing. 

Celebrate Faith for Pride.

Now more than ever, it is essential that people of faith and faith communities take action. That is why this Pride Month, Interfaith Alliance and the Faith for Equality Coalition are launching Faith for Pride: a month-long effort to include the fight for LGBTQ+ rights in religious services and programs. The Faith for Equality coalition is comprised of 120+ religious groups that support LGBTQ+ equality. The goal of this campaign is to demonstrate that people of faith support federal non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people and support the passage of the Equality Act. 

Securing Equality for All People

The Equality Act is a bill that strengthens existing civil rights laws and provides consistent non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people nationwide. These protections apply to employment, housing, credit,  education, public spaces and services, jury service, and federally funded programs. 

The bill ensures that LGBTQ+ people – including religious and non-religiously affiliated people – enjoy the same freedoms under the law as all Americans. This bill does not require any person to change their religious beliefs nor does it compel religious institutions to participate in activities that violate the tenets of their faith. 

Building a Better Future, Together

By hosting a Faith for Pride event, you are raising your voice as part of the faithful majority. With your support and activism, we can continue to champion civil rights measures that benefit us all and beat back laws that enable discrimination under the guise of religious liberty.

Learn more about Interfaith Alliance’s efforts to promote LGBTQ+ equality.