By Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons
Day three of The Vote is Sacred Tour took us to Madison, Wisconsin. We began the day by distributing voting information to students on campus at the University of Wisconsin, along with free doughnuts from a local bakery! We met so many students who told us they had already voted, which was encouraging. We parked the bus at The Crossing Student Ministry and were joined by Wisconsin Interfaith Voter Engagement Campaign and local clergy in reaching students.
We then moved the bus to First United Methodist Church in Madison to hold a press conference with the Wisconsin Council of Churches. Rhonda Lindner of Wisconsin Interfaith Voter Engagement Campaign, Rev. Dr. Joy A. Gallmon, pastor at St Mark’s AME Church and state lead of Faiths United to Save Democracy, Rev. Chakravarthy Zadda-Ravindra, pastor of First Baptist Church of Waukesha, and Rev. Cathy Weigand, pastor of First UMC, spoke at the press conference.
You can watch a report about our press conference in Madison from the local ABC News affiliate there:
Guthrie Graves-Fitzsimmons is the Senior Director of Policy & Advocacy at Interfaith Alliance.