As a dedicated supporter of The Interfaith Alliance, we want to make your support of our work as easy as possible. Instead of writing multiple checks throughout the year or waiting for our next letter to make a gift, you can join me and thousands of other members as an Interfaith Alliance Torchbearer. A Torchbearer is a very special supporter who protects religious freedom by making gifts to The Interfaith Alliance by automatic monthly charges to your debit card, credit card or through your checking account (EFT). You have complete control over how much you contribute and when to begin and end your monthly donations. I’m a Torchbearer, and each month my credit card is charged for an amount that I specify — and I never have to worry about renewing my membership or keeping track of when or how much I’ve donated. I feel good about being a Torchbearer, and I know you will too. So please accept my invitation to “take up the torch” . . . by joining me as a Torchbearer today.