Get Involved

You can make a meaningful contribution to our shared work of achieving democracy together. Mainstream religious voices are critically important to pushing back against religious extremists.


Become a member

Join Interfaith Alliance today by making a donation of any amount.


Join a campaign or event

Make a difference on the issues you care about by signing a petition or coming to a virtual event.


Find your local affiliate

Interfaith Alliance affiliates are working in local communities across the country.

As people of diverse faith traditions, we can stand up to religious extremism

Together, we can make a significant impact in this pivotal moment in our nation's history.

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take action

Join a campaign or event

Sign a petition or register for an upcoming event today to make your voice heard for democracy, freedom, and education and against theocracy, extremism, and indoctrination.

LGBTQ freedom

Attend webinar on LGBTQ rights: March 24

With shared values of justice, compassion, and dignity, faith leaders and organizations have the power to defend LGBTQ+ rights, provide safe spaces, and resist discriminatory policies.
Public schools
Tell Congress: Oppose national voucher bill
Tell Your Member of Congress to oppose the ECCA. Let them know this bill will harm public education and promote religious control over taxpayer funds.
Public schools
Don't put ten commandments up in our state's classrooms
We need religious freedom advocates to contact their state legislators today and urge them to keep the government OUT of religious education.
Healthy boundaries between religion and government
Tell Your Members of Congress: Vote to keep Trump’s raids out of houses of worship.
One of Trump's first actions changed these rules – allowing ICE and CPB officers to barge into sanctuaries to make arrests.

Connecting with your community

Find our affiliates across the United States. Interested starting a local affiliate? Let us know.

Interfaith Alliance of Peoria
Peoria, IL
Interfaith Alliance of Sacramento
Sacramento, CA
Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma
Interfaith Alliance of North Dakota
Wyoming Interfaith Network
Interfaith Alliance of Upstate New York
Albany, NY
Interfaith Alliance of Southwest Florida
Naples, FL
Interfaith Alliance of South Carolina
Interfaith Alliance of Rochester
Rochester, NY
Interfaith Alliance of Pennsylvania
Harrisburg, PA
Interfaith Alliance of Iowa
Interfaith Alliance of the Bluegrass
Lexington, KY
Interfaith Alliance of Central California
Fresno, CA
Interfaith Alliance of Central Alabama
Birmingham, AL
Interfaith Alliance of Colorado
Interfaith Alliance of Idaho
Interfaith Alliance of Hawaii
Honolulu, HI