Learn where the candidates stand on issues of faith and politics and religious liberty and pluralism.
Questions for Candidates
To get you started, here are five questions The Interfaith Alliance suggests you ask:
Q1. What role should and does your religious faith and values play in creating public policy?
Q2. What are your views on the Constitutional guarantee of the separation of church and state?
Q3. What active steps have you taken and will you continue to take to show respect for the variety of religious beliefs among your constituents?
Q4. Should a political leader’s use of religious language reflect the language of his/her religious tradition, or be more broadly inclusive?
Q5. How do you balance the principles of your faith and your pledge to defend the Constitution, particularly when the two come into conflict?
Depending on your personal views, you may wish to ask candidates about their positions on specific issues at the heart of the intersection of religion and politics: school vouchers, public posting of the Ten Commandments, religious profiling, school prayer, same-sex marriage, or the faith-based initiative.
Here are some questions TIA asked: TIA Questions for Candidates
Please email your findings to The Interfaith Alliance:
Together, we can make a difference in bringing the critical issue of religious liberty to the attention of the public. And we can ensure that our elected leaders take seriously the viewpoints of diverse people of faith and good will. Thank you for your help!