Rabbi Jack Moline Condemns Trump’s Charge of “Disloyalty” Against Jewish Voters

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Ari Geller, West End Strategy Team
ageller@westendstrategy.com; Phone: 202-776-7700

Rabbi Jack Moline Condemns Trump’s Charge of “Disloyalty” Against Jewish Voters
Interfaith Alliance president calls out Trump’s anti-Semitism and hypocrisy

Following President Trump’s comments on the “disloyalty” of Jewish Americans who vote for Democrats, Rabbi Jack Moline, President of Interfaith Alliance, released this statement condemning the president’s invocation of a dangerous anti-Semitic trope:

The accusation of ‘dual loyalty’ is a centuries old anti-Semitic charge that raises alarm bells for Jews around the world. The president has no place questioning the patriotism of Jewish Americans — or members of any other faith — who do not support his cause.

“Our Constitution expressly prohibits religious tests for office, yet the president has suggested a political test for religious affiliation. He is profoundly mistaken. No religious community owes a particular party, or a particular president, their support.

“Unfortunately this comment from the president, and his doubling down on the claim today, only adds to his long history of weaponizing charges of anti-Semitism against his adversaries to achieve personal and political gain. President Trump’s charges of ‘disloyalty’ against millions of American Jews only underscores his use of the Jewish community as political pawns, and not a robust and diverse part of our country.”